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Practical Guide Book for Project Owners (i.e. Sponsors) available at Amazon

Isn't it strange that while Project Managers normally receive training for their role, the same cannot be said for Project Sponsors or Project Owners as I prefer to call them as they need to be more than just figureheads who secure funding.

To try and address this gap, I have produced a practical guide book aimed at Owners (Sponsors) addressing the practicalities of their role in owning a project from inception until the benefits have been realised. It is written in the same style as the book aimed at Project Managers and can be found on Amazon in paperback and kindle formats, search for "Be a Better Sheepdog" or #beabettersheepdog.

The book is fully explained in the following video

As well as Project Sponsors briefing themselves through this book, I have priced the book to allow Project Managers to gift this to their Sponsors.

In terms of chapters, the book first examines an important concept which is what success represents in a project before moving onto:

  • The partnership between Project Owner and Project Manager.
  • The need to “Do the right project” before “Do the project right” which involves production of a Business Case.
  • A summary of Project Manager owned activities for awareness and to understand where you need to get involved.
  • A simplified view of the 3 processes needed to execute a project and a checklist for Project Owners.
  • The key "project contract" document explained (this key definition document can have a number of different names depending on the methodology in use).
  • A number of useful reference appendices including a glossary of terms you may hear.

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